Dominican delegation visits the Premier of the Turks and Caicos Islands, Mr. Charles Washington Misick

Providenciales, Within the framework of the launching of the Chamber of Commerce Dominican Republic and Turks and Caicos Islands, held in these islands, the premier, head of government Mr. Charles Washington Misick, received in his office the delegation from the Dominican Republic, led by its president Mr. Cesar De los Santos, accompanied by Mr. Caesar Campbell, vice-president of the Chamber.

During the visit they discussed the benefits of the association of these two nations, the positive impact it will have in the coming years, as well as the existing opportunities for both countries, and therefore the importance of strengthening trade and tourism between them.

Mr. Misick offered all the necessary support for the strengthening of the Chamber.

A Chamber of Commerce in The Dominican Republic Launches Its Partnership in The Turks & Caicos Islands

Providenciales. The Chamber of Commerce Dominican Republic and Turks and Caicos Islands hosted its first event this past Thursday, December 1st, 2022, with the objective of establishing a partnership between the two countries while promoting trade and tourism exchange, with the participation of businessmen, members of parliament and government officials from both nations. The Chamber of Commerce Dominican Republic & Turks and Caicos Islands together seeks to represent commerce, exchange, and community throughout the Dominican Republic and the Turks and Caicos Islands promoting and engaging business through the various industries and sectors.

Cesar Campbell, vice president of the organization welcomed attendees to the event and also expressed his excitement about the coming together of both countries while creating an avenue that seeks to improve the business exchange and present new opportunities for both island countries. He expressed a hope that with these initiatives, both the Dominican Republic and the Turks and Caicos Islands can reach a free trade environment that will further develop the investments of both partnering countries.

César José de los Santos, president of the chamber, indicated that this partnership seeks to stimulate trade between the Dominican Republic and the Turks and Caicos Islands, which carries great potential in a variety of industries. He further suggests working together with the Turks and Caicos Islands to establish ongoing programs such as seminars and events which promote ties of alliance, friendship, and business relations. He emphasized that the Turks and Caicos Islands has a high level of tourism development with which Dominican tourism should be more associated, he thanked the receptivity of that territory for thousands of Dominicans who live there and work in the tourism sector and other areas.

Alvin Hegner, the founding member of the chamber, emphasized the importance of the entity and solidifying such a partnership as it lends to the advocacy and the simplification of business procedures for greater integration, given the proximity of the islands. He concluded that the benefits of such a partnership is far-reaching and will make an impact on both countries for years to come.

The board of the Chamber is composed of César José de los Santos president, Caesar Campbell vice-president, Juan Antonio Morales treasurer, Fernando Puig Miller secretary, Norman Wilton Hamilton member, Guillermo Abbott member, Edgar de Jesús Martínez member, Luis Enrique Fajardo member, Andrés Ceara Brugal member, and Yasmara Mejía as executive director.

The founding members are Alvin Hegner, Carl Edward Simmons, Phillip Misick, Everette MacDonald Freites, Trevor Albert Musgrove, Tueton Tomayo Terrique Williams, Oscar Enrique De Los Santos, Rodolfo Paliza, Emmanuel Silverio Cáceres, and Eduardo Morales.

Video from Event